星期四, 2月 19, 2015


在the Muse職涯網站中,一篇37 Commonly Misused Words That Can Make You Look Bad指出了幾個經常被誤用或是換用的詞彙。


Advise and Advice
正確: I advise you to …
錯誤: Thank you for the advise. 應為 Thank you for the advice.

Well and Good
Good是形容詞,而Well是副詞。但口語上我們常常會這樣說,"I don't feel good." 也就是 "I don't feel well." 這在日常生活上可以,但在商用英文就必須注意文法錯誤囉!
正確: You did a good job.
正確: You did incredibly well.
錯誤: You did good.

If and Whether
If 和 Whether經常是可以互換的,但是在回答yes/no情況下。例如,“I wonder whether Jim will finish the project on time” or ”I wonder if Jim will finish the project on time.”
但當if是在假設情況下使用, 例如,“Let me know if Marcia needs a projector for the meeting.” 這句話的意思是"如果Marcia需要投影機再告訴我。"
但是替換成whether意思就變成"不管Marcia需不需要都告訴我"(“Let me know whether Marcia needs a projector for the meeting.”  )
 正確: “If you hit your monthly target, I’ll increase your bonus.” (若達成目標,才增加獎金) 
正確: “Whether you are able to hit your monthly target is totally up to you” (能否達成目標完全在你身上)

Award and Reward
Award是獎、獎項(競賽或比賽後的結果)。如: Grammy Awards 葛萊美獎、Employee of the Month awards本月最佳員工。 
Reward是因為努力、成就、辛苦工作等給予的回報、獎賞。 例如:  sales commission is a reward. 業績抽成是獎賞 A bonus is a reward. 獎金是獎賞。
 正確: Be happy when your employees win industry or civic awards, and reward them for the hard work and sacrifices they make to help your business grow.

Continuously and Continually
Continuously代表連續不斷. 舉例: Hopefully your efforts to develop your employees are continuous, because you never want to stop improving their skills and their future.
 Continual代表頻繁、不斷重複.  舉例: You might have frequent disagreements with your co-founder, but unless those discussions never end (which is unlikely, even though it might feel otherwise), then those disagreements are continual.
 正確: That’s why you should focus on continuous improvement but only plan to have continual meetings with your accountant: 前者的continuous是永遠不會停止,而後者continual會中斷的

Between and Among
Between用在有自己名稱的個別事物,例如:  “The team will decide between Mary, Marcia, and Steve when we fill the open customer service position.” Mary, Marcia, and Steve 三者不同且分開,所以可以用Between。
Among用在三人、三者或以上但沒有自己名稱,例如:  “The team will decide among a number of candidates when we fill the open customer service position.” 
假使只有兩人、兩者,就算不知道個別名稱也可以用Between,例如: “I just can’t decide between them.”